We provide a child-based curriculum designed to help children attain knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that are a base for future learning. Children learn best through doing, with the integration of six learning areas, it enables children to progress through hands-on experiences. We set a focus on the development of children in all-rounded, balanced and appropriate ways. We strive to create a balance among Moral, Cognitive and Language, Physical, Affective and Social, as well as Aesthetic development, to meet children's development on growth, ability, interest and experience. We recognize and respect the individuality of each child, our curriculum allows flexibility for adaptation to cope with the varied needs of students. We support and encourage children to explore the environment, help them construct knowledge.

- Enhancing children's biliteracy and trilingualism is our language development strategy. Our native English and Putonghua teachers designed daily listening, speaking, reading, writing activities and increase interaction with children.
- In the practice of an integrated curriculum, we include different learning subjects into the content of learning and teaching. This enhances the comprehensiveness, flexibility and diversity of children's learning. We use child-centered methods in teaching, and we arrange diversified learning activities, including program extension, projects and whole language activities, to enhance children's learning experience.
- We set daily-life orientated topics,together with interesting stories,to arouse children's curiosity about things around them.This enhances their eagerness to learn and helps develop problem solving skills,encourage children's creativity and nurtures different levels of thinking.
- Adopting a high scope approach, teachers create meaningful learning areas for children to learn through practicing "plan", "do" and "review". We respect children as active learners, where they take the initiative to arrange their own learning activities. After the activities, children will review with teachers and other children on what they have done and learned which helps to develop self-learning.
- We encourage children to explore freely through games. They learn about nature and their environment through languages, mathematics, feelings and physical fitness. Through games, children build up knowledge and foster communication, creativity, problem solving skills and adaptability.
- To carry out multi-sensory teaching, together with flexible operational teaching materials and activities, children take the initiative to explore the world with their five senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, where they process discover and learning by doing.
Formative and summative assessments are used. The assessed areas cover knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. After daily observation and theme-based continuous assessment, teachers will issue picture books activity reports, observational reports, and artwork analysis, etc. The summative assessment reports will be distributed twice a year summarizing children's overall learning development. They will be systematically documented in "Learning Portfolio" - a wonderful record of their learning development.
Through regular observation, teachers can assist children's development wherever necessary and provide appropriate caring services. Parents are welcome to accompany children to classes at the beginning. We arrange visits to local primary schools for the Lower Kindergarten and Upper Kindergarten students, and organize pre-primary activities for the Upper Kindergarten students, to help them adapt more easily to primary school life.
Through parents meetings, lesson observation and volunteer work, parents can get involved in school activities and have a better understanding of our school's vision and objectives, as well as their children's learning and growth. Parents can communicate with teachers regularly via telephone, at pick-up time or in arranged meetings. After school activities, we hand out questionnaires and collect parents' feedback systematically. During the school year, we also have Festive events, parent-child activities and parents' seminars. We also invite graduates and parents to share experiences, to facilitate home-school cooperation.